Traditional Asset Tokenization

In this episode featuring Stephen McKeon, you’ll learn:

  • Why in the coming years, assets will become increasing tokenized via blockchain protocols such as Ethereum
  • How the tokenization of traditional assets such as fine art or commercial buildings will unlock massively valuable new markets for trading
  • How the concept of asset ownership may evolve in ways not yet imaginable
  • How asset tokenization is already changing industries like venture capital by offering LPs greater liquidity


How To Think About Investing In Cryptocurrency: What needs to exist

In this episode featuring cryptocurrency fund manager Ari Paul, you’ll learn:

  • What investable protocols and services the world needs that are best-suited for blockchain
  • Why cryptocurrency is not necessarily a winner take all market
  • Why communities are critical to the long-term success of a cryptocurrency
  • How shared beliefs of crypto token communities influence development roadmaps and governance, as illustrated by Bitcoin and Ethereum
  • Why Bitcoin is a serious contender for the “store of value” use case of digital gold, and how being the winner of that niche may mean it that it will be difficult for Bitcoin to succeed as the leading payment crypto token
  • Why dApps (decentralized applications), privacy coins, and more may have several breakout winners
