Cryptocurrency’s Netscape Moment

In this episode featuring Elad Gil, you’ll learn:

  • Why now is the starting gun for broad investment in cryptocurrencies including hedge funds, venture funds, and average consumers
  • How the current 2017 run-up in cryptocurrency prices and interest feels similar to the bubble in 2013, but how this time it’s different
  • Why the “store of value” use case of Bitcoin is becoming real
  • How the proliferation of blockchain-based technologies such as Ethereum, Monero and Zcash are driving developer and investor interest
  • How crowdfunding (ICOs), investors striking it rich, and general capital inflows are driving up the prices of digital assets


How To Think About Investing In Cryptocurrency: Why Exceptional Opportunities Exist

In this special investing episode featuring Ari Paul of BlockTower Capital, you’ll learn:

  • How to explain why cryptocurrency investment is a great opportunity
  • How investing in cryptocurrencies now could be compared to playing minor league basketball versus playing in the NBA
  • Why early investors in cryptocurrencies are rewarded for the risks they take that others may be unwilling to, and what some of those risks are
  • Why many traditional investors have not yet invested in cryptocurrencies
